Russia’s accusations that Kyiv possesses biological and chemical weapons are false and show that Vladimir Putin is considering using them in the war against Ukraine, says US President Joe Biden.


Read: Zelenskyy: “I’m ready for negotiations with Putin, if they fail, there could be a third world war”


Mariupol under constant attack - Zelenskyy ready to negotiate withdrawal from NATO


Mariupol under constant attack – Zelenskyy ready to negotiate withdrawal from NATO


Officials in Washington and allied countries have previously accused Russia of deliberately spreading misinformation that Ukraine has a biological weapons program, saying they see it as a possible prelude to a possible Russian launch of biological or chemical attacks.


Mariupol under constant attack - Zelenskyy ready to negotiate withdrawal from NATO


“Putin is pushing against the wall and now he is making new false claims that we in America have biological as well as chemical weapons in Europe, and that is simply not true. They also suggest that Ukraine has biological and chemical weapons. It’s a clear sign that he is considering using both.”, said Joe Biden, President of the United States.


Meanwhile, the Russian army is stepping up rocket attacks on major cities, and the Ukrainian government says Russian naval forces are now attacking the outskirts of Odesa and trying to block the Ukrainian army’s access to the sea. battles conquered almost half of Mariupol.


Read: Zelenskyy said that without negotiations the war will not end


“If he takes it by districts, then at least 50 percent are probably released. In addition, it was revealed that Ukrainian nationalists tried to leave the city disguised as civilians.”, said Daniel Bezsonov, Deputy Minister of Information of the Donetsk Republic.


According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinskyy, without negotiations, the war will not end. Regarding the country’s membership in NATO, Zelenski believes that the other members of the alliance are afraid to oppose Moscow.


Mariupol under constant attack - Zelenskyy ready to negotiate withdrawal from NATO


“It’s a compromise for everyone. For the West, which does not know what to do with us in terms of NATO membership, for Ukraine, which seeks security guarantees, and for Russia, which does not want further NATO enlargement.”, said Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine.


The Ukrainian army has called on the population to prepare for intensified shelling of vital civilian infrastructure. The General Staff also reported that Russian troops had occupied the land corridor to Crimea and blocked Ukraine’s access to the Sea of Azov.


TRENDING: Ukraine rejects Russia’s ultimatum to surrender Mariupol


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