Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said today that he was ready to negotiate with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, but warned that if attempts at negotiations failed, it could mean that the fight between the two countries would lead to a third world war.


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Zelenskyy: "I'm ready for negotiations with Putin, if they fail, there could be a third world war"


Zelenskyy: “I’m ready for negotiations with Putin, if they fail, there could be a third world war”


“I’m ready to negotiate with him. I have been ready for the past two years. I do not think we can end this war without negotiations.”, Zelenskyy told CNN.



Zelenskyy: "I'm ready for negotiations with Putin, if they fail, there could be a third world war"


The Ukrainian president stressed that if there is a one percent chance to stop that “war”, then they should seize that chance.


Read: Ukraine has confirmed that Russian forces attacked a rocket depot


“We have to do it. We are losing people every day, innocent people on the ground.”, Zelenskyy added.


He stressed that Russian forces had come, as he put it, “to exterminate and kill them” and that Ukraine must show that it is worthy of its people and army.


Zelenskyy: "I'm ready for negotiations with Putin, if they fail, there could be a third world war"



“But, unfortunately, our dignity will not save lives. So, I think we should use any format, every chance to have the opportunity to negotiate, the opportunity to talk to Putin.”, said the Ukrainian president.


TRENDING: More than 260 civilians were killed in Kharkiv, Ukrainian officials said


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