Ukraine has completed a questionnaire that will be the starting point for the EU accession process, said Igor Kovkva, Deputy Chief of Staff to President Vladimir Zelenskyy.


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Ukraine has completed the EU membership questionnaire


Ukraine has completed the EU membership questionnaire


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen handed the questionnaire to Zelenskyy during a visit to Kyiv on April 8, promising efforts to speed up Ukraine’s EU membership following the Russian invasion.


“Today I can say that the Ukrainian side has completed the document.”, Zhovkva told the Ukrainian public service last night.


Ukraine has completed the EU membership questionnaire


He added that the European Commission will have to issue a recommendation to respect Ukraine with the necessary membership criteria.


“We expect the recommendation to be positive, and then the ball will be in the side of the EU member states.”, he said.


Ukraine has completed the EU membership questionnaire


According to him, Kyiv’s expectations are that Ukraine could receive the status of a candidate country for EU accession in June.


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