The personal data of half a billion people have been leaked from their Facebook profiles.

Information leaked includes phone number, Facebook ID, full name, location, past locations, date of birth, email address, status and resume.





Sensitive personal data of more than half a billion Facebook users was leaked earlier today on a hacker forum – a potential risk for millions of cryptocurrency traders and people who may now be vulnerable to various attacks.

This information was revealed by Alon Gal, technical director of the security company “Hudson Rock”, who published it on Twitter today.


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Facebook disaster - leaked personal data of half a billion users


According to this analyst, the data leak is related to a security error that was first detected in 2019. In January 2021, it became known that hackers could use the information to access users’ phone numbers. The expiration has now been extended to Facebook ID, full name, location, previous location, date of birth, (sometimes) email address, account opening date, status.

According to Gal, the information can now be used by hackers and fraudsters for various types of fraud, as well as for marketing purposes. Also, users of cryptocurrencies are in the greatest danger.


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