Terrible testimony: “He raped me when I was a girl, and his wife Nicki Minaj now offers me a bribe to keep quiet and threatens me”


Nicki Minaj (38) and her husband Kenneth Petty (43) have been harassing and intimidating the alleged victim of Petty's rape for some time. The sexual assault occurred in 1994 when both Kenneth and the victim [...]

Terrible testimony: “He raped me when I was a girl, and his wife Nicki Minaj now offers me a bribe to keep quiet and threatens me”2021-08-23T11:52:46+02:00

Kim Kardashian brutally honest: “I gained 60 pounds, I was swollen and I hated being pregnant, I kept crying”


Due to criticism of being overweight during her first pregnancy, Kim Kardashian hated being pregnant and cried all the time and after giving birth she secretly exercised in her mother's garage because she was ashamed [...]

Kim Kardashian brutally honest: “I gained 60 pounds, I was swollen and I hated being pregnant, I kept crying”2021-08-16T12:16:19+02:00
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