Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last night welcomed efforts to restore power generation systems damaged by Russian attacks but warned the population that it was too early to declare victory on the energy front.


Zelenskyy: “It is too early to declare victory on the energy front”

Zelenskyy said energy workers did an excellent job of repairing the damage caused Friday by Russian missile and drone strikes. Most people didn’t have to deal with many outages over the weekend.

Zelenskyy: "It is too early to declare victory on the energy front


“The very fact that after the massive missile attack this week, we can have such calm days in terms of energy, proves the professionalism of our energy workers.”, he said in an evening video address.


“We have to realize: this is not yet a victory on the energy front. Unfortunately, there may be new terrorist attacks from Russia. There may be new restrictions if there is further destruction or growth in consumption.”, Zelenskyy added.


In recent months, Russia has launched multiple attacks on Ukrainian energy facilities, at times leaving millions without electricity, heat or water during the cold winter.


TRENDING: A Russian rocket destroyed a residential building in eastern Ukraine – There were casualties


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