The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskiyy, in last night’s address to the nation, stated that the protection of the state border is a “constant priority” and that Kyiv is prepared for all possible scenarios with Russia and its ally Belarus.


Zelenskyy: “Ukraine is ready for all kinds of defense scenarios”

“Protecting our border with both Russia and Belarus is our constant priority. We are preparing for all possible defense scenarios.”, Zelenskyy said.


Zelenskyy: "Ukraine is ready for all kinds of defense scenarios"


He made a new appeal to Western countries to provide Ukraine with effective air defense.

Kyiv was the target of drone attacks during the night, in which at least two people were injured, and infrastructure facilities and private homes were damaged. According to local authorities, Ukrainian air defenses shot down about 15 drones.


TRENDING: EU agreed on new sanctions on Russia over the war in Ukraine


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