Lady Gaga has proven to adore the spotlight. In New York, the 35-year-old music star attracted attention with a bold choice of footwear.

The famous singer was photographed by the paparazzi in a tight black dress, which she combined with boots with dizzyingly high heels.


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In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


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In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


In her style: Lady Gaga in boots with dizzyingly high heels


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