Jennifer Aniston drew a wave of criticism by admitting that she broke off regular association with people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.


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Jennifer Aniston admits she no longer hangs out with unvaccinated friends, has become a target of criticism


Jennifer Aniston admits she no longer hangs out with unvaccinated friends, has become a target of criticism


The 52-year-old actress in an interview with InStyle openly expressed her opinion about vaccines and shared that she distanced herself from unvaccinated friends.


Jennifer Aniston admits she no longer hangs out with unvaccinated friends, has become a target of criticism


“There is still a large group of people who are anti-vaccines or do not want to hear the facts. It’s really sad. I lost a few people I saw every week who refused to be vaccinated or did not say whether they were vaccinated, which is a great pity. It is inconvenient because everyone has the right to their own opinion, but many of the opinions are based on nothing but fear or propaganda.”, she said.


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Her stance has sparked much discussion. Loud critics reached out to Jennifer and she gave an explanation.


One of her followers commented: “But if she is vaccinated, she is protected, right? “Why take care of the unvaccinated around her?”


Jennifer Aniston admits she no longer hangs out with unvaccinated friends, has become a target of criticism


Aniston immediately replied: “Because if you have the strain, you can still infect me. I may be a little sick, but I will not end up in the hospital or die. BUT I CAN pass it on to someone who has not been vaccinated and whose health has been compromised (or has another health condition) and that way I will endanger his life. THAT’S WHY I CARE. We have to take care of everyone, not just ourselves.”


Jennifer Aniston admits she no longer hangs out with unvaccinated friends, has become a target of criticism


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