Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenskyy has dismissed Ukrainian military commander Eduard Moskalev as commander of Ukraine’s united forces by decree released on Sunday. Combined forces are engaged in fighting in the Donbas region in the east of the country.


Zelenskyy dismissed the military commander-in-chief


Zelenskyy dismissed the military commander-in-chief

Major General Eduard Moskalev was appointed to the post last March when Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavlyuk was appointed head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration. Zelenskyy did not provide an explanation for Moskalov’s removal, but it is the latest in a long line of recent leadership changes by his administration.


Zelenskyy dismissed the military commander-in-chief


Ukrainian authorities have carried out a series of anti-corruption raids across the country, followed by the sacking of senior officials. It is not yet clear whether Moskalev’s dismissal is related to the recent corruption purge.



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