Angelina Jolie was photographed shopping with her daughter Vivienne after accusing her ex-husband Brad Pitt of domestic violence.

Angelina Jolie photographed with daughter


Angelina Jolie was photographed with her daughter after accusing Brad Pitt of abusing her and the children before the divorce

The 47-year-old Oskarovka wore a long white dress and a gray scarf as she shopped for groceries at a store in Southern California with her 14-year-old daughter, who is one of six children she has with Brad Pitt.


Angelina Jolie photographed with daughter Angelina Jolie photographed with daughter


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Earlier, she revealed shocking details about the events on the private jet on September 14, 2016 that led to the breakdown of her marriage. Jolie filed for divorce 5 days after the trip where she claims Brad was violent.

According to the new documents, Pitt physically attacked Jolie, and when their children tried to defend her, he punched one of them in the face and began choking another.

“When one of the children verbally defended Jolie, Pete attacked his own child and Jolie grabbed him from behind to stop him. To get Jolie off his back, Pitt threw himself backwards onto the plane seats, injuring Jolie’s back and elbow. The children bravely tried to defend each other. Before he was done, Pete was choking one of the children and punching another in the face. Some of the kids begged Pete to stop. Everyone was terrified.”, the documents state, adding that during the flight, Pete appeared several times from the back of the plane and yelled and cursed at them.

At one point, Pitt spilled beer on Jolie, and at another, he spilled beer and red wine on the children.


Brad Pitt of domestic violence


Through his representative, Brad Pitt has denied the allegations. He was photographed shortly after the documents were released by the media.

Brad Pitt of domestic violence


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