The beloved actor, widely known as Chandler from Friends, Matthew Perry, tragically passed away, and the recent autopsy report sheds light on the cause of his death. Perry, who openly struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, succumbed to the “acute effects” of ketamine, a powerful anesthetic with psychedelic properties.
Matthew Perry’s Autopsy Report Reveals Ketamine Overdose as Cause of Death
Alongside ketamine, traces of buprenorphine, a drug utilized for substance use disorder and pain management akin to tramadol, were also found. However, the autopsy specifies that the primary cause of death was the acute impact of ketamine.
Ketamine, recognized for its role in alternative therapies for mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, is sometimes misused recreationally. Reports indicate that Perry was undergoing ketamine therapy through infusions, with the opiates in his system likely not related to the last therapy session approximately 10 days before his passing.
The autopsy report suggests that the high levels of ketamine in Perry’s blood led to cardiovascular system overstimulation and respiratory depression. Remarkably, the ketamine levels mirrored those administered during full anesthesia for surgical procedures.
Matthew Perry was discovered lifeless on October 29 in his Los Angeles home, with reports indicating an unfortunate incident of drowning in his jacuzzi. His struggle with addiction and the subsequent overdose is a poignant reminder of the complexities individuals face in their battles with substance abuse.
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