In a heartwarming update, Kourtney Kardashian and her husband Travis recently shared delightful photos of their newborn son, Rocky, about a month after his arrival. The celebrity couple, both beaming with joy, took to Instagram to reveal precious moments of their growing family.

Kourtney Kardashian And Travis Barker Shared The First Photos Of Baby Rocky

Kourtney Kardashian And Travis Barker Shared The First Photos Of Baby Rocky


The 44-year-old reality star and her 48-year-old drummer husband welcomed Rocky in November. Their journey to parenthood was not without challenges, as they faced a period of stress and uncertainty. Following unsuccessful attempts at assisted insemination, the couple’s perseverance paid off when Kourtney became pregnant.


Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Scott Introduce Baby Rocky for a Heartwarming Christmas

Sources close to the couple express immense joy as they look forward to celebrating Christmas with their newest family member. The Kardashian-Scott household is set to make this holiday season truly special, marking Rocky’s first Christmas.

Kourtney Kardashian And Travis Barker Shared The First Photos Of Baby Rocky

Kourtney Kardashian And Travis Barker Shared The First Photos Of Baby Rocky


“They couldn’t be happier for their first Christmas with Rocky.”, shared insiders. “Kourtney is determined to make this Christmas extra memorable and has already begun the festive celebrations.”


As the Kardashian-Scott family embraces the joyous season, fans and well-wishers eagerly await more glimpses of the adorable baby Rocky and the festive celebrations ahead.







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