Lisa Ray, one of the strongest women Bollywood has seen, not only through her roles, but also in real life. The actress has fought cancer and come out stronger, now becoming a mother of twins.

The actress announced the news on social media with adorable photos of the new born babies. The healthy twins Sufi and Soleil were born via surrogacy. Lisa Ray (46) in an interview to Bombay Times revealed that she wanted to share her story with everyone in order to remove the stigma attached around surrogacy.


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Piglet: How do you spell love? Pooh: you don’t spell it. You feel it. -AA Milne To this, most beloved quote I would add: ‘You feel it. You write about it.’ Meet my daughters Sufi and Soleil born June 22nd. It’s been a long and interesting journey leading up to their entrance into the world. So much gratitude to the team @bazaarindia (Komal Sharma and Sitara) and in particular @nonitakalra for providing a sensitive platform for my writing. The September issue is on stands now. Hope you get a chance to read it. ‘I’m no longer ending at the limits of my skin. Where do I end and where do I begin?’ More to come with @bazaarindia down the line. Right now I’m in the middle of a feed and perfecting my one handed typing. Image of Sufi and Soleil @dinophotography_georgia via @bazaarindia

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“Hopefully, our story can give hope to others who are struggling to have kids. Life throws you both challenges and miracles, and I’m unspeakably grateful for my miracle daughters,” read an excerpt from Lisa Ray’s interview to Bombay Times.

Lisa Ray said: “My husband and I are becoming parents in our mid-40s, which is also unconventional, but the right time for us. I love to see Jason with them, growing into his new role as a father, holding them, changing diapers, with a burp cloth I got him, which is embroidered with ‘Men Who Change Diapers, Change the World’.”


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Via @bombaytimes: ‘Lisa narrated the tough and, at times, frustrating journey they had to undertake, “We hired an agency to help, had an unsuccessful attempt in Mexico, and spent a lot of money, emotional resources and sleepless nights. But as a cancer survivor, I firmly believe in overcoming the odds. And with my husband and a few close friends’ support, we hoped for the best. Finally, we settled on Georgia, where the surrogacy process is legal, transparent, regulated and overall beneficial for both sides. We relocated to Tbilisi for a few months for the birth.” The actress believes that she has successfully buried her old views that having kids would slow her down. Talking about her husband’s role in their journey, she said, “My husband and I are becoming parents in our mid-40s, which is also unconventional, but the right time for us. I love to see Jason with them, growing into his new role as a father, holding them, changing diapers, with a burp cloth I got him, which is embroidered with ‘Men Who Change Diapers, Change the World’.” Images @aligphoto MUH @jomakeupartist PR manager @bazinga_ent

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It’s certainly official. Jason and I have chosen to share the intimate story of our surrogacy journey as a way to normalize and embrace fertility possibilities for everyone. Please do read and share the piece. It’s not easy but achievable. Luminous souls Sufi and Soleil are expanding us in ways we never thought possible…and catching me by surprise as I grow into motherhood. Takes a village, and I am grateful for all your love and support(I’m going to be leaning on some of you for mama night outs and baby-sitting backup as I complete my book) Thanks @bombaytimes and @bazinga_ent @aligphoto for the images Fab MUH @JoMakeupArtist (and as always @preetasukhtankar for being the best maushi, all the support and baby styling 😜) Stand back world: here comes Soufflé (Sufi plus Soleil equals the best dish in the universe) Click on link to read about our surrogacy journey.

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