After a series of earthquakes, a volcano erupted in Iceland on March 19, which was inactive for 6000 years. The volcano known as Fagradalsfjall has located about 30 km from Reykjavik, and according to meteorologists from Iceland, it is a small eruption, which does not pose a danger.

Several thousand earthquakes were recorded in Iceland in a very short period of time, which caused the eruption of a volcano that was inactive for an incredible 6000 years. The volcano is known as Fagradalsfjall and is located about 30 km from Reykjavik.

Reportedly, the eruption can last for several more days or even months, and photos and videos of the incredible sight are already being shared on social networks.


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More than 18,000 earthquakes have been registered in Iceland in recent weeks alone, and experts are still trying to figure out why. Apparently, because Iceland is located on several tectonic plates, earthquakes are common here, but it is not yet known why there are even more in this period.



Experts are watching the eruption closely and believe that it poses no threat, so we can freely enjoy the surreal scenery it prepares.

Here are some of the best photos and videos from the eruption:





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